Friday, May 21, 2010

Quick Mini Quiz: Interior Design with Your Personality in Mind

Over the years I have developed a theory about the impact of interior design and colour selections on different personalities. It all started in the 1980’s. In the early 1980’s I studied art but soon realised I liked working with people as much as going art work. I then did a couple of interior design and decorating courses because we had bought our first house and I wanted to decorate our home to a high standard. 

This eventually led to a offer of a job as a kitchen designer. But I wanted to be involved with all aspects of design and applied and was accepted into the interior design course at the Queensland College of Art. I was delighted to find I could combine my artistic flare and my love of people with a career in interior design.

During the 1980’s I also became involved with success motivation and personality profiling. So began my interest in personality. Over the years I have studied psychology and counselling. I was and continue to be fascinated and study people and interior design.

I have written a series of four articles called ‘Interior Design with Your Personality in Mind’ if you would like to read the articles please follow the links:

Part 2:

Part 4:                                                                                                                     

In the articles I provided a link to this blog. If you have read the articles and followed the link to the ‘Quick Personality Quiz’ here it is.

If you would like to do a full personality test go to

If you want some fun go to you will find a quiz on the subject connected to dating  
“People are like dirt. 
They can either nourish you 
and help you grow as a person 
or they can stunt your growth 
and make you wilt and die.”

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