Thursday, May 20, 2010

The Interior Design with Your Personality in Mind Quick Mini Quiz

Over the years I have developed a theory about the impact of interior design and colour selections on different personalities. It all started in the 1980’s. In the early 1980’s I studied art but soon realised I liked working with people as much as going art work.
We bought our first house and I wanted to decorate our home to a high standard. So I did a couple of interior design and decorating courses. This eventually lead a offer of a job as a kitchen designer. But I wanted to be involved with all aspects of design and applied and was accepted into the interior design course at the Queensland College of Art. I was delighted to find I could combine my artistic flare and my love of people with a career in interior design.
During the 1980’s I also became involved with success motivation and personality profiling. So began my interest in personality. Over the years I have studied psychology and counselling. I was and continue to be fascinated and study people and interior design.
I have written a series of four articles called ‘Interior Design with Your Personality in Mind’ if you would like to read the articles please follow this links below:
Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:
Part 4:                                                                                                                          
In the articles I provided a link to this blog. If you have read the articles and followed the link to the ‘Quick Personality Quiz’ here it is.

If you would like to do a full personality test go to
If you want some fun go to you will find a quiz on the subject connected to dating  
On reading this back I have noticed a few errors. The personality style most likely to have noticed and been annoyed with the errors would be the melancholy. Most of us do notice errors but the melancholy person likes perfect and therefore is most likely to be upset by the mistakes.
As designers we do need to be detailed people. For this reason I would usually go back and check for mistakes and the correct them. But for this blog I have noted the mistakes and left them. I have noticed it is very easy to make mistakes while blogging. I do try to double check but I am sure I miss a few so I hope you will forgive me.
Frank Lloyd Wright stated  
A doctor can bury his mistakes 
but an architect can only advise 
his client to plant vines’  

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