Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Design and Ecological Foot Print

Where I’m at

Now that I have sat down to write I find I am at a lost for words. That’s amazing for talkative Irish women! As I drifted off to sleep last night I had so many thoughts tumbling through my head. Ideas of what I could talk about on my blog. They all seemed wonderful at the time. I must place the notebook and pen back on the bedside table to be sure I do not lose these wonderful ideas I want to share. I really do want to give value to the readers who decide to follow the Sample Board Online In Australia blog.

Forgive me as I stumble along learning the ropes

It is an exciting venture to do something totally outside your comfort zone. There is so much I don’t know. I suppose I need to learn how to talk the lingo. To all those who already know the lingo and are web, blog and twitter wise please forgive my stumbling along in this new world.

I do love blogging already.

The green template I have selected is influenced by the green message I would like to promote (this is not to say I will only talk about green products). Also the fact that the colour green is restful on the eyes influenced my selection and it also harmonises with the green in the Sample Board Online logo. But most important of all of course is the link to my Irish heritage.

Hopefully useful Info

One of the main reasons I became involved in Sample Board Online was the fact that it is an eco friendly solution for designers. It is a challenge for designers to walk the eco friendly path in design. I really do want to try and do my bit. There are many great products and sites promoting the green solution. I aim to try and give you some links and info on the subject in this blog.

You may be interested in this site Personal Foot Print Calculator found at . It real does start with us as individuals so I thought this could be a good place to start. I find it useful to gage how I’m going in the green sense. This calculator is an aid to that.

Quote of The Day

‘You must be the change you wish to see in the world.’ Mahatma Gandhi

Looking forward

In my next blog I will look at interior design and saving lives

Ending thoughts

I thought it best to divide the blog into parts. I know there are times when I am able to spend time reading blogs and websites at other times I have time only for a quick read to see if there is anything of interest and useful to me at the time.

If you haven't already visited our site I do invite you to pay us a visit at we would value you comments.

Bye For Now
Rosena Sample Board Online In Australia

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