Monday, December 21, 2009

SBO welcomes Silk Road Weaves from the US

Boston-area designer Barbara Jacobs - owner and designer for her line of custom heirloom quality, artisan Tibetan rugs /Silk Road Weaves announces her affiliation with

States Jacobs, “This venue is an exciting one for me because I work a lot with my clients individually, providing in-depth custom design services for creating fine Tibetan rugs.
When a designer sees one of my rug designs on SBO, they can use it right way in their design boards. Then, if some customizing is desired, they can easily communicate the options to their clients since I can provide all that information to the designer directly. In this way, we can communicate to make any modifications they need without having to go through a showroom. Since personalized service is key to the way I work, this method of fewer steps is a perfect fit.”

A color consultant with a background as a fine artist, Jacobs has been working with homeowners and business owners for over 20 years to create harmonious and supportive environments. “Color is such an important part of any built environment, whether inside or outside,” says Barbara.
An accredited consultant by the IACC (International Association of Color Consultants), Jacobs brings the multidisciplinary approach to all areas of her work. “Applying an understanding of our human response to color is the philosophy I take to any environment and even carry into creating the rug colors and designs.”

Compatible with Jacobs’ design philosophy is her membership in GoodWeave <>), formerly known as Rugmark, the organization dedicated to eliminating child labor in the rug industry, and that guarantees all rugs from Silk Road Weaves are made by adult artisans only.

Barbara notes, “This is the basis for creating rug designs that can enrich the owner on many levels, beyond the visual surface enjoyment and way they feel so great under bare feet!”
Barbara Jacobs Color and Design

Silk Road Weaves
Fine Tibetan Rugs:Collections and Custom
T: 508.472.8105

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